City Council

City Council

The City of Dallas, Georgia is served by six Council members and a Mayor, each of whom are elected for four-year terms by citizens within the Dallas city limits. This elected body sets policy for the operations of the city, sets the millage rate for property taxes, approves the city's annual budget, passes ordinances, and hears and acts on requests for rezoning and annexation.


The Mayor and Council hold their regular meetings at 5:15pm in Council Chambers at Dallas City Hall, 129 E. Memorial Drive, Dallas, GA  30132.  Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, except in the event of a holiday conflict. 


Agendas and Minutes

Agendas and Minutes for meetings of Mayor and Council, may be found here. 

Citizens wishing to submit an agenda item or appear before Mayor and Council, should email the request to Tina Clark or call (770) 443-8110 x 1206. Please include contact information for individual/presenter making the request and the topic of discussion for the agenda.