Occupational Tax / Business License

Occupational tax certificate

An Occupational Tax Certificate (also known as a business license) is a certificate issued by government agencies. The certificate is evidence that an individual or company has paid an occupation tax as required by the local ordinance. Any person engaged in any business, trade, profession, or occupation and is located in the city limits of Dallas is required to register their business with the city and obtain an Occupational Tax Certificate. 

occupational tax certificate cost

Fees are contingent upon the amount of gross receipts of the business for the past calendar year. This can be calculated using the tables linked below

changes in business

An occupational tax certificate is not transferable. Any changes in ownership will require a new certificate. Changes of business locations will require a new certificate along with new inspections by the Paulding County Fire Marshal and City of Dallas Community Development Building Inspector. Please contact the Occupational Tax Clerk immediately of any changes or if business has closed. 

occupational tax certificate expiration

All occupational tax certificates will expire December 31st of each year. The business will receive a renewal notice via email and mail.