Sewer Department Responsibilities

In an effort to help residents better understand who to call when they have a question or problem we have included the following list outlining the Sewer Department’s responsibilities. Although we may not be able to solve all problems, we help guide residents to the person or department who can help them.


  • Repair cave-ins of city owned sewer mains and related structures.
  • Repair, rebuild, replace and install manhole structures and tiles.
  • Root control and grease control in all sewer mains and city owned service lines.
  • Respond to standing water complaints if it applies to one of our structures.
  • Repair, maintenance and inspection of city owned service lines & grinder pumps.
  • Repair, maintenance, cleaning and inspection of city sewer pump stations.
  • Inspection of new sewer main and city service line installations.
  • Pressure testing of sewer mains and sewer manholes.
  • Maintain compliance with EPD guidelines.
  • Maintain and inspection of creek crossings.
  • Assist other city departments as requested.
  • Locate city owned infrastructure, Call 811 before you dig.